Monday, February 23, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
What if you walked up to your desk to find a giant Snickers from a work buddy or your best friend called out of the blue to say hello…what about unexpected flowers from your spouse? What would the smile on your face look like??? Well, that same smile is what I see every day when I get home from work. At 4 months, I’m sure Alexander still doesn’t understand that I’m gone most of the day (thank the Lord) but when I get home and he sees me for the first time, you’d never know it. He might be laying on the floor playing or watching his favorite cartoons and when I walk in and stand over him, he looks up at me and smiles the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. Probably just like the one you’d have if you found that Snickers on your desk, got that call or those flowers unexpectedly! Who knew a little person would make you want to get home so bad at the end of the day!!!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Weekend with family
This past weekend my family came to visit for the afternoon on Sunday. Thankfully Ricardo had the camera out and ready to go because I was too busy chatting. My parents and my grandparents came for the day bearing gifts and cash for Alexander. We had a great time chatting, playing with Alexander, and eating some yummy pizza. On Monday Alexander had his 4 month doctor appointment. He's getting so big so fast!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Four Months and Counting!
February 17th: 4 months old
Weight: 14 pounds 6.5 ounces (50%)
Length: 25. 5 inches (75%)
Starting to eat cereal and fruit (applesauce is a no go for now)! The big news is that Alexander slept through the night for the first time last night. It was like he knew he was going to be 4 months or something. The pediatrician told us he could eat a bottle of formula right before bed. When we looked at the clock and it was almost 5am today, we couldn't believe it. Ricardo gave me a high five and said "I love you formula"!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Down memory lane
It's hard to believe that it's already been one year since I found out I was pregnant. Last February (12th) I decided I would surprise Ricardo by taking a couple of pregnancy tests and if they were positive, I'd leave them for him as a Valentine's Day gift on the 14th. I knew if he got up to find that with a card, his world would be turned upside down in the best way possible. I knew deep down that I was pregnant. I had been sweating profusely for weeks as I got around in the morning and I knew something was up. Either I was pregnant or going through menopause (LOL). And, of course, the tell tale sign of something "missing" for over a week was a given. Well, my plans were foiled. I had decided to make an excuse as to why I needed to run to Walgreens that evening after work. Why would I need to make an excuse you ask...well, Ricardo and I do about 99% of everything together and I knew he'd offer to take me. So, I planned to wait until he was comfy in his lounge around clothes and I'd all of the sudden remember I needed shampoo or makeup or something. I knew it would work. Well, he picked me up from work that day and decided he'd ask me if I had "started". When I said no, he said, WAIT weren't you supposed to already!!!!!!! His eyes were bright with anticipation as I grinned ever so slightly and said ya, like a week ago!!! He nearly wrecked the car. I said, DARN YOU, it was supposed to be a Valentine's surprise. I said do you want to get some tests and he said UH YA, TODAY! So, we drove to Walgreens and bought the dualy pack and went home to begin the tests. It took less than 5 minutes before that test was positive. We stood there, we compared, I peed on another stick just to be sure. This time, it was all of 30 seconds before it became positive. Again, we stood there, compared the stick to the instructions, doubted it for a second, then realized we were going to have a baby! We couldn't believe it. We hugged and cried and knew that our lives were changed from that moment on. Nine months later Alexander came along to join our family. Even today we can hardly believe that we are parents of this adorable, life changing, little man. Such blessings!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
At least the sun was shining
We both agreed that we could handle cooler weather if at least the sun was shining. Thankfully this weekend we got our way...well Sunday anyway. We figured we'd take advantage of the great rays and take Alexander for his first walk in our neighborhood. We put on his winter coat which he can just now fit into and headed out. The first go round, he got very sleepy and so we took him home for lunch and a nap. The second go round, we took him outside to meet Sonny for the first time. Sonny was so excited he kept jumping off of the picnic table but we figured he was more excited about me being outside for the 4th time today than seeing Alexander up close. After that we headed down the street and then stopped by our neighbors to say hello. They're in their 80's and so fun. When we arrived they were having a coctail and seemed to be having a very good time hanging out with their daughter on a nice sunny Sunday afternoon. They're the sweetest people in the world and of course had to grab Alexander for a hug. He was getting hungry so he wasn't as happy as normal but it was a nice visit none the less.
Surprise Date Night
Well Saturday night we got ready to head out to dinner...just Ricardo, Alexander, and I. My sister was here doing laundry and as we got ready to leave she offered to watch Alexander. We were like WHAT? SERIOUSLY! She said she didn't have any plans and had wanted to offer anyway. She told us to go out and have a nice dinner and don't worry about coming back quickly or anything...just enoy time alone. SO NICE! As the guilt of leaving Alexander wore off I couldn't get my boots zipped fast enough. I grabbed my purse and we ran to the car. We were going to go the Cheesecake Factory but I offered to eat at Texas Roadhouse since Ricardo loves it so much. Well, the line was out the door and we knew the wait would be like an hour then we drove to CF to grab a table, share a meal and a piece of cheese cake. We must have eaten there at least once a week when I was pregnant. We love the food and they have outdoor dining which is so fun in the summer. Well, they were so busy...busier than we'd ever seen. The wait was at least 50 minutes and again we knew we couldn't wait that long. So, we walked down to the mall and ended up eating crappy cheeseburgers at Johnny Rockets. We knew driving to another resturant at 6pm on Saturday in Indianapolis to find food was a futile effort. So, we grabbed 3 cheeseburgers for us and Mel and headed home. She was curled up on our love seat and Alexander was sound asleep. I proceeded to make her and I a bowl of Butter Pecan ice cream and watched the rest of Wedding Crashers while Ricardo talked to his dad. So much for date night.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Shopping is too much work!
Learning to scream...
Alexander has discovered that he has quite a loud voice. This past week he became increasingly aware that his voice could go very high and eventually turn into a scream. Yesterday he screamed so many times and so loud that he actually made himself hoarse. We're fairly certain he now has a slight sore throat.
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