Sunday, August 30, 2009
So big and so funny!
Alexander is at the age where he is just so funny. He shares his toys with us and plays that game over and over and we say thank you each time as if it were the first...give and take, give and take. He says mama and dada and we try to get him to say baby but he just says "ba". He also has 8 teeth which might explain why he will eat anything. Today, he tried biscuits and gravy and couldn't get enough. Last week he discovered he liked his big lion and now plays tackle the lion as often as possible. Then he tries to eat the nose off of his Mickey Mouse. He is also trying to walk. He crawls all over the place and will actually stand for a while without hanging on, but the word wild cannot describe this little man. He is ALL over the place ALL the time and whatever he can pick up, he throws! We just spend most of our free time at home laughing at him and enjoying his really fun personality.
Fun with Aunt Mel
As most people know my child loves his aunt Mel. I mean, he cries when she leaves...he's that fond of her. Well, she's been helping us out a lot in the evening by coming over and watching Alexander until I get home from work. Of course, she takes it upon herself to take pictures of her and him while she's here. Ricardo and I had to laugh because we thought it was so funny how you could really tell in these particular pictures just how Venezuelan he really looks.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
First Real Hair Cut

A couple of weeks ago we took little man to the kid's hair salon to get him his 10th hair cut. I had already cut it 9 times but it was time to do the real deal. We were so proud of him because he sat there like a big boy and only cried once. Of course, the fact that he was watching Dora on the TV in front of him didn't hurt.
First time at the drive in
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy...
We have lots of fun pictures to post but I haven't downloaded them from my phone. We've been extremely busy lately. A couple of weeks ago I completed my Masters degree which is sooo exciting on many levels. I don't have to do homework anymore thankfully and I am able to add M.Ed. after my name. Don't think I haven't already received my new name tag at work with that on it!!! Woo Hoo! To top it all off I graduated with honors, cum laude and then got nominated to be in the Cambridge Who's Who of Professional and ExecutiveWomen. Who knew! Little man is also keeping us busy. He's a wild man all the time. He's trying to stand and even take a step on his own but hasn't quite mastered the skill at this point. But, he has mastered crawling as fast as all get out everywhere in the house. We can hardly believe he's 10 months old already. We're planning his birthday party now. We're going to have a small party here in Indy at Red Robin but for his actual birthday we're going to Disney World. YIPEE! I can hardly wait. I've never been there or Sea World so it's going to be so fun for me and to watch Alexander enjoy all the sites. He does love Mickey Mouse. Ricardo is continuing to do well teaching his karate classes and has lots of students that just keep pouring in. He's also having a great time staying at home during the day with Alexander. We're very blessed that he can do that and he can spend that quality time with him. My work, of course, is at it's busiest is August once again!
Monday, August 10, 2009
State Fair Time!
I look forward to the month of August every year because it's the month of the Indiana State Fair. I don't know why really but I LOVE the state fair. I love all the people, the animals, the weather...and most of all, the FOOD!!! I couldn't wait until this August to go once again and take Alexander to enjoy all the fun stuff the fair has to offer. We went on our first trip last Friday with ChaChi and Igsora. I thought it would be a fun send off for Igsora since she left on Saturday. Alexander, once again, had his share of yummy fair food. He can pretty much eat anything now so he had everything we ate...angus burger, corn on the cob, lemon shake up, strawberry shortcake, and of course, elephant ear. He loved it all. He wasn't overly enthused about the pigs but seemed to really be curious about the big John Deer that takes the trolly around the fair. We didn't get to ride because we had the stroller, maybe this weekend we can when we go again. The kicker of the fair was when we were leaving we stopped to see some of the farm animals in the small barn for kids to see up close. One of the bulls decided to get up and nearly scared the you know what out of me and Alexander. I realized how much of a city kid we have.
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