Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Alexander has not only grown to love baked goods he has also grown a liking for my oven mitts. He always wants to wear them around the house and point to the oven and say bot (“hot” in his language). And, if this isn’t ornery, I don’t know what is. I had to take this picture of him while he was eating because he’s just so rotten. I love it!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The simple things in life...

Valentine's Weekend 2010

This weekend Ricardo was out of town with his competition team in Illinois at a tournament. He said his kids did really great and he was pretty excited. While he was gone, Alexander and I drove up to Kokomo with Mel to hang out the with fam on Saturday. Alexander and Noah got to play together while the rest of us sat around and chatted. Of course, Grampy and Grammy had brought every toy they have into the living room for Alexander. Grampy also had to see how Alexander looked in his sock cap.

After Alexander and I dropped Mel off we went to the store to get groceries and came home and hung out. He was playing everything was great then I thought a trip to the ER was going to be my Saturday night. Alexander face plant...he was so upset he wasn't breathing, then blood. I seriously thought he'd busted his two front teeth out there was so much blood. Thankfully, after I got him cleaned up, I realized he'd hit his chin and probably his two front teeth cut his upper lip. He didn't stay upset too long and dispite his big fat lip, he started playing again and acting like his crazy self. Then today, he whacked his face on the treadmil and has a wonderful bruise by his eye. NICE!

Anyway, I totally copied my friend Melissa and got him some Tadoodles crayons and a giant book to scribble in for Valentine's Day so before Ricardo left we decided to play around. He loves them and has colored several pages over the weekend.

Monday, February 08, 2010

This past weekend we got a lot of snow so we spent most of our time hanging out at home doing stuff around the house. Ricardo cancelled his Karate classes so we had all day Saturday together which is unusual for us. Saturday morning Alexander was up at his normal, on the dot time, so he and I headed out to the kitchen to get some breakfast and let Ricardo sleep in for once. For some reason, Alexander didn’t want his banana so I opted to let him have some of my waffle (with jelly of course). Well, he proceeded to eat the rest of mine and then another whole one so two waffles and about 7 strawberries…pig. Anyway, he was having such a great time eating them I just had to take his picture because it was so stinking cute. He had jelly all over him, his high chair and his hair…he got a bath immediately.