Last weekend the fam got together and toured the state fair. This has become a tradition over the past few years...get together on a Saturday morning at the State Fair, eat, walk around, look at the animals, eat, look at more animals, eat, sit down and watch the people...oh is that the funnel cake stand. You get the drift. This year of course was a little different since it appears I am carrying around a basketball under my shirt. Mom and Steve proudly sported their respective grandma and grandpa shirts to the fair to show them off.
We thought last week I was 32 weeks but after a doctor visit on Friday, the doctor measured me at 34.5. We're going to have another ultra sound next week to determine if I'm just big or whether they were wrong on the due date all together. Given how long he already is and the fact that he's already "assumed the position" I'm guessing we'll have a little one in September and not October. Today we bought more diapers just in case.