Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Growing too fast!

Today was Alexander's 6 month well baby check up. He's growing like a weed! His current stats are 27 1/4 inches long and 16.5 pounds. He is a lover of all things fruit and the yellow veggies. The ped said he was growing perfectly and will probably be long and lean as he grows. BONUS for his future soccer and karate careers! Since he is now cutting his first tooth he's been a bit of a challenge in the attitude department (not sure where he gets that). But, today he's been a lot better. After we got home from getting some groceries I just had to take a picture and film him for a bit. He's starting to make some new noises which we're sure will turn into words before long. All parents say their kids are the cutest I'm sure, but I have to say that we DO have the cutest little man on the planet.