Alexander turned 9 months old on Friday and he must have gotten the notice that once you turn 9 months you become twice as rotten. He's crawling all over the place and of course, pulling himself up on whatever he can get his hands on. We had to remove the coffee table and the end tables because he was nearly pulling the end tables over and hitting his head on the coffee table. We were afraid he'd bust a tooth or something like that. But, now I have an excuse to buy the ottoman leather coffee table I've been wanting. hehe. Alexander also had his 9 month appointment today. He is 19.6 pounds and 19 inches long. His doctor said he's in the 75% for length and the 35% for weight...the same he's been since his 4 month appointment. She said what he's eating is right on track and he's perfect. Like I told his Dr, he'll appreciate that thinness later in life, that's for sure. She totally agreed. He's progressing exactly where he should be. We just love his doctor, she's so nice and actually takes the time to talk to us. She never makes us feel rushed, even when Alexander is looking at her like she has a third eye or something. hehe
*Don't forget to watch the videos below to see little man in action!