After we left the zoo we decided to head down to the beach on LakeShore. They had a live band playing at the beach restuarant and Alexander was so excited as soon as he heard the music. He was dancing in his car seat before we even got stopped. This was his first trip to the beach and we were so excited. Most people know how much Ricardo and I LOVE the beach. We contimplated staying all night across the street just so we could go back today but decided against it. Alexander loved the sand but wasn't all that cracked up with the water. There were a lot of waves and it was pretty loud...not to mention COLD! Feet were all that saw the water yesterday. Even with the cold water, we were convinced that moving to the beach someday was definately something we were set on doing!!! After we left the beach Ricardo insisted we look for a pizza joint downtown to get the full Chicago experience so I went online on my BlackBerry and found Chino's East. We opted for the large so we could have leftovers today so while we waited we went for a walk for about 45 minutes, bought Alexander a t-shirt, fed him, and then went for our yummy pizza. It was enormous! We instantly thought we'd made a huge mistake on the size. Well, we didn't realize how hungry we actually were. So, we sat in the car and chowed down. We finally headed home around 8:30 our time and after a 3 hour drive we were back in Indy. Alexander slept the whole way home, played for a bit when we got home and then we all fell fast asleep after our busy busy weekend!