Monday, March 08, 2010
Weekend update
This past weekend was very eventful at our house. First, Ricardo left for the weekend to compete in a Karate tournament with his school. So, Alexander and I headed to IUPUI to see some old work friends which was a VERY unsuccessful trip. Alexander was crying the entire time...for what, I don't know. Friday night Alexander and I took advantage of some free time and had dinner with our friends CJ and Nicci. We had an awesome time and Alexander did a great job at dinner. Saturday we found out Ricardo got a silver and ChaChi got a gold at the competition which was awesome AND our kitchen renovation started. I can't wait until Tuesday for it to get done. Sunday was not so great...I started feeling bad and so did Alexander AGAIN. But, at least Ricardo got a gold medal at his competition on the north side on Sunday. We were pretty excited about that. Alexander made yet another trip to the Dr. today and low and behold he has the croup, AGAIN!