Last Friday we headed out with the Grabowski’s to their church carnival. The weather was hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk but we braved the rays and headed out to eat the food and play carnival games…I was hoping to bring home a goldfish but no luck. Alexander got to play the fish game which was his first ever carnival game. The kid couldn’t hit any of the bowls because he has such an arm on him and kept throwing the balls over and out of the tent. LOL! He played one other bowling game and actually won a prize. The highlight of the carnival for him was being able to run around the grass and of course do his karate for all to see. Gracie was not having the heat so we headed back to their house for the rest of the evening. The kids had an awesome time playing with all of Gracie’s toys and their cute dog Alice. Melissa and I got to chat a bit and play with the kids and Ricardo and Mike got to watch ESPN and talk sports and I am quite certain they were not unhappy about that. Alexander fell asleep in 5 minutes in the car on the way home.