Every Labor Day weekend my two best friends and I get together without husbands or kids. This year I hosted our gathering. We started off the weekend by hanging out at our house for an hour so Aunt Teresa and Aunt Lori could play with Alexander and say hi to Ricardo and Grampy Steve. Grampy (P) decided he needed to come and have a boys night with Alexander and Ricardo...details about that to come. We soon headed downtown to the Conrad to begin our fun. We literally sat in our hotel room for about 2 hours just talking and enjoying the fact that no one was asking for our attention or needing a diaper change. My friend Melissa joined the fun and picked us up to head to dinner and drinks. I don't think I've laughed that hard in years. We spent hours sitting in a martini bar laughing and listening to 80's music. Yes, it was 80's night. Yes, that's a bartender dressed up like Slash and yes we were drinking, A LOT!
Thanks to Melissa for joining us and adding to our fun...you were a great addition to our girlfriend's weekend!!! The next day we went to breakfast and shopped and hung out. Such a blessing to have 2 best friends of 30 years to lean on and have a bond with. Thanks to both of you for your love and friendship. I am truly blessed!
While we were out Friday Grampy and Ricardo took my innocent child to HOOTERS and taught him to say Tatas and Nice Tatas. Yes, that's right. He even started flirting with the girls and got the server and got her to put a heart on a napkin and write his name. UGH!