Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Jeep

Our good friends gave us this cute little car for Alexander. He, unfortunately, has not taken to riding the car much until today. Abuela's magic convinced him it looked fun. He apparently loves it now. He was yelling "my jeep" as he was riding it.

Baila, baila, baila - Dance, dance dance

Our child is a natural born dancer. It typically takes no time at all for him to start up when he hears music. Yesterday, we were flipping through the music channels and he decided one particular song should be played over and over, thank goodness for the DVR. I had to video his magical moves!


We got a surprise visit from Mr. Food Allergy over the weekend when Alexander decided to eat too many Clementines It actually started when he was eating blackberries and the nurse said it was more than likely the blackberries not the clementines. Well, as soon as he started eating one later, he started turning red again. This video is evidence of what Benedryl does to a 2 year old that doesn't take much medicine.

This year we hosted Thanksgiving at our house. The fam came down on Thanksgiving morning and stayed all night so we could hang out again on Friday (no we did not go shopping at 3am). We had a blast hanging out, playing cards and games...watching Alexander be the silly kid that he is, and of course eating. Alexander got some really fun gifts from Aunt Mary and Uncle Rick from Germany. He really loved the homemade popcicle makers they got him. Friday we all went out for breakfast at one of our favorite places then headed back to our house to hang out and play cards and games again. And, most importantly, draw names for our Christmas gift giving extravaganza. Every year on Thanksgiving we draw names and attempt to keep it a secret until Christmas. This of course involves a gag gift. This year, we opted to vote on the gag gift ideas. Ricardo's movie idea won. I'm anxious to see what everyone comes up with for that one. After everyone left Ricardo and I took Alexander and went to sleep for a much needed nap! :)

Saturday, Ricardo and I opted to hit the gym (definately needed that) and then we did head down to Circle Center to walk around for a bit. Alexander was having a blast walking around with his Abuela as usual. He looks pretty cool sporting his new shirt from Melissa and Gracie.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Love Birds

Alexander had Gracie over yesterday to play. It was like Lady and the Tramp...the spaghetti was replaced with popcorn!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cast No More

Last night before the cast - torturing Sonny

Window Shopping
First bath after the cast
The day finally came to have Alexander's cast removed. He did an excellent job at the doctor while they sawed it off and it only took him about 20 minutes to start using his hand and arm again like nothing had ever happened. He did carry his arm like the cast was still there but that certainly didn't last long. He was happily eating a grape sucker in no time before we even left the doctor. We headed to the mall afterwards to buy a birthday gift for or friend's daughter and without hesitation Alexander wowed everyone with his dancing and total cuteness. The morning's activities soon took over and he fell fast asleep in the car and then stayed asleep at Aunt ChaChi's...long enough for Ricardo and I to eat some yummy "Abuela" food and to run some errands before he headed to Karate. Last night Alexander got his first bath - CAST FREE - which he was thrilled about. He actually got to sit in there and play!!!

Monday, November 01, 2010

Trick or Treat

Very first Trick or Treat
Alexander and Aunt MeMe in her dragon trainer costume. REALLY?

Trick or Treat Bobby

More candy

A trip through the graveyard at Bobby's

Bobby's house in full Halloween spirit
Of course I procrastinated (which isn’t like me) and didn’t get him a costume before Sunday. So, our friends offered to let us use Nathan’s Cookie Monster costume as a quick fix which was super nice of them. First off, Alexander did not want to put it on and then once he did he was embarrassed. We realized early on that it was going to be way too small but getting it on him just added to the humor. His little Latino butt busted out the back and we could barely zip it.

After a quick stop at Aunt MeMe’s he was good to go in that suit. He was saying trick or treat all the way to her door and then was so excited to get his own candy which she purposely shopped just for him. A 2 year old with a giant bag of peanut M & Ms and a giant box of Nerds. His two favorites.

We ventured to Bobby’s house and he had an awesome time looking at all of the decorations he puts out every year and getting even more candy. His house deserves an award!

Our last stop was at Trevor and Kelly’s to do a few stops with the kids and play with their dog, Otis. He might be the biggest bull dog I’ve ever seen and so cute! Alexander did NOT want to leave despite the costume. He was bouncing all over their house like he owned the place.

Halloween Cornhole

I didn't mention in the last post that Nathan and Nicole stayed all night with us Saturday night and then we all met for breakfast yesterday morning with some other friends from the karate school. In 15 minutes of breakfast corn hole was brought up and by 10 am there were 20 people at our house playing corn hole and hanging out. The 40 degree weather did not stop them at all!

Halloween Party

Why not top off a broken arm with a nice tree climb?

Hey Trevor, that bag looks a little short for you!

Peanut Races

Pinata fun!

Who knew toilet paper had so many uses!

Some decorating handywork

Marcel getting into full Halloween garb with Nicole wrapping her up

Paxton in her chicken suit...who knew feather boas could be so cool

Joe and Carleene, seriously the coolest!
Below is Joe's Halloween handywork. He's quite the craftsman!

This past Saturday our friends had their annual Halloween party which is mostly just for the girls but of course Alexander and his two buddies were there as well. Nathan has an "in" since he's the brother.

All the girls dressed up in awesome costumes and had lots of fun playing games and beating the heck out of the pinata. Kelly's parents even got into the action and dressed up. Nothing like a grandpa wearing a Rasta wig to liven up the party!

It's never a party with our group of friends unless there's a good game of corn hole to top everything off.