Window Shopping

First bath after the cast
The day finally came to have Alexander's cast removed. He did an excellent job at the doctor while they sawed it off and it only took him about 20 minutes to start using his hand and arm again like nothing had ever happened. He did carry his arm like the cast was still there but that certainly didn't last long. He was happily eating a grape sucker in no time before we even left the doctor. We headed to the mall afterwards to buy a birthday gift for or friend's daughter and without hesitation Alexander wowed everyone with his dancing and total cuteness. The morning's activities soon took over and he fell fast asleep in the car and then stayed asleep at Aunt ChaChi's...long enough for Ricardo and I to eat some yummy "Abuela" food and to run some errands before he headed to Karate. Last night Alexander got his first bath - CAST FREE - which he was thrilled about. He actually got to sit in there and play!!!