This weekend was full of activities as usual. Friday night was the Karate School Christmas party that Ricardo hosts each year. The families really enjoy being able to hang out and of course eat. The kids love all the candy, the piƱata, and the dancing. This year Alexander got in on the festivities and put on a dancing show for everyone. I’m waiting on the video from one of our friend’s phone so I can post it.
Saturday we headed to the mall to buy Alexander some new tennis shoes. We’re in for a new pair about every 3 months it seems. At the rate he’s growing it might be faster. He’s already in a 9 and that won’t last long. I have been told several times over the past few weeks that he’s a big 2 year old. I wouldn’t be surprised if he surpasses 6’3” or so…given that my dad was super tall and I have tall uncles as well. And, if I’m not mistaken I think my dad’s grandpa was tall but I’m not 100% certain on that one.
Anyway, while at the mall Alexander took a liking to the jumping thing they have in there and now that he’s big he can totally enjoy all the fun things in life. He was so excited. All he kept saying was salta, salta which is jump in Spanish. He really loved it! When we returned to the mall on Sunday to do some Christmas shopping he said jump…jump as soon as we pulled into the parking lot. That kid has a memory like a steel trap! And, I have to say thank you to the mall people for having a real life train in the mall that people can ride. Do they know how distracting it is for a kid? All he kept saying aside from “jump” was “train, ride train”. NICE! We didn’t get to ride it but I’m sure he won’t forget any time soon.
Saturday night was "Friendsgiving" at ChaChi and Angie's so we headed over there for some YUMMY food and drinks and hung out with their friends. We had an awesome time. Once again everyone there was enchanted with our rather dynamic child. His dancing and ability to keep a beat at age 2 makes everyone crack up. Seriously, he can keep the beat. I think we have something here!!! :)