This year, like last, we spent the Easter weekend hanging out without Ricardo since he was in Vegas. My family came over on Saturday and stayed the night. Sunday we got up, ate cinnamon roles and sat around and drank coffee and enjoyed watching Alexander with all of the fun stuff the Easter Bunny brought. I've spent the past few weeks trying to explain Easter to Alexander. My rendition included talking about Jesus and how he flew up to heaven. I mean, how do you explain the Crucifixion and Resurrection to a 2 1/2 year old and have them understand it? We spent the day coloring Easter eggs and watching Alexander "wash dishes". Mel's girlfriend said it looked like child labor...the first picture of his face (what a hoot). Aunt MeMe concluded the dish washing with a shoulder skull and cross bones tattoo to go with his pirate eggs. Dispite the fact that it was rainy and daddy was gone, we had a great time laughing and spending time with our family. And, most importantly, I got the opportunity to pray over lunch and thank the Lord for his wonderful gift so that we may all one day be together in heaven. What an awesome day!