Everyone knows Alexander has been very adamant about NOT going on the potty. He has told many people straight out, "I WEAR DIAPERS".
My friend Kelly continued to tell me that I should just relax and one day he'd decide he wanted to go and it would just click. I was beginning to wonder if she was right. But, we just let it go and continued to change the diapers. Then, the unthinkable happened...last weekend he said out of the blue, "I want to wear my underwears (that's what he calls them)". We ran in the house to get them and while he never had an accident, he couldn't quite understand how to "let" the pee come out. On Sunday (last weekend) Ricardo had to stand and make jokes so he'd laugh hard enough to pee. We figured if he peed at least once he'd get it. Sure enough, it worked. Alexander has not worn a diaper, except to sleep, since Friday. He's wrapping up day 3 of living in potty-ville. And, he actually pooped on the potty today. We are really in disbelief. He's worn underwear, peed in public places, and even asked our friend Jackie to take him to the potty yesterday at the karate tournament. As my friend Lori put it, it's like the clouds parted and the angels began to sing! Maybe, just maybe, after this package of diapers is gone, we will no longer have to go down the diaper isle...well to buy diapers anyway because as a general rule of thumb, I will NEVER live without baby wipes. :)