Thursday, May 31, 2012

Project organization

Hangin with Cole

Alexander is spending time with Nicole today at our house. I told her I would pay her $20 to babysit while I was at home. She actually told me she didn't want the money because it's so much fun(of course I still am). We'll see how she feels at the end of the day. LOL!
So far, we've gone out to eat with Meme and ran sone errands. Now, they're finger painting!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Fun start to summer

This weekend we swapped babysitting with our good friends to enjoy some time alone before Ricardo left for Nicaragua. Then, their kids stayed at our house Saturday night and through yesterday. We always have a wonderful time spending quality time with their kids. They are joyful and always provide a calm chaos to our home. And, Alexander loves the company!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Raisin' money

Spent the day at the track selling pretzels and lemonade for the Booster club. I believe this puts me at carnie level in all honesty. I had to wear an apron and a visor. Yes, Melissa I'm a carnie, accept it!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Last Day of Preschool 2012

Today was Alexander's last day of preschool for this year. He really enjoyed going to school and learning new things. He got his report card last week and overall he has mastered most skills, attempted independently others and only 2 did he have some issues. Evidently he does not like to dance in class and of course as well all  know his social skills are not the best. Hard to believe both knowing we're his parents. LOL! Over the year Alexander has gone up one shoe size, a pant size, and grown nearly 2 inches and gained 2 pounds. He started off the year wearing a size 3 shorts, 4T shirt, and is now in a 5/6. He truly loved his teacher Ms. Jennefer (the one in the middle) but really enjoyed both the helpers as well. We're looking forward to next school year already because he has been offered the opportunity to skip a "grade" and will go straight to the 4-5 class. Our little manny is growing up so fast!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Jeep Drivin'

Yesterday we stopped at Orange Leaf for some frozen yogurt after we hit the park and Qdoba. Alexander spotted this super cool older wrangler driving down the road and was thrilled to death when it ended up in the same parking lot as us. He immediately stated that him and Meme would be buying a Jeep like that! So, lucky for him the ladies in the Jeep had opted to put down the tailgate and sit and eat rather than leave. He yelled to them that he liked their Jeep and instantly asked if he could look inside. The one woman was like SURE in total excitement to show it off and in his interest in her hot ride. He didn't stop there...he asked if he could sit in it. I was mortified and could feel the heat well up in my face. She said again with much enthusiasm, SURE! He can't hurt a thing!!! I said, ARE YOU SURE!?! She said, oh ya no worries, be sure to take pictures and was giving me tips on where to stand to get the best shot. We were cracking up! I said, if my kid can charm two lesbians into letting him check out their ride and sit in it, we're in BIG trouble later with the ladies!!!

Mother's Day 2012

I think as mom’s we live our lives every day and sometimes forget what a special role we have in our kid’s lives. We get to watch them grow, help them make good choices and have an influential impact on the adults they will become. I really never had a desire to be a mom when I was young or even when I was an adult honestly. Some women have this dire need to have children and have a family and I wasn’t interested in the kid part, just the husband part.
There have been many times I have even examined if my lack of desire to have kids has hindered my bond with Alexander or his ability to see that he is the light of my life and I love no one on this earth more than him? As a mom I think you have the tendency to worry about these things even if you dreamed of a heard of children running to and fro in your living room. I don’t believe anyone is different from the other when it comes to being a good mom and worrying if you’re doing a good job.

But, each Mother’s Day no matter what trials and tribulations we face on that day or the days before, I am reminded of the importance of my job as a mom and how influential I am in Alexander’s life. Influential in teaching him to count, learn how to socialize, mow the yard, use a hammer, and most importantly how to love and worship God. I would never trade my freedom for a day of life without my son. I believe God puts people in your life for a reason; to teach you things, bring friendship where there’s none, and give you a light on days when it’s dark. I believe God gave me Alexander to teach me patience and kindness and the fine art of biting my tongue a record number of times a day! I am forever thankful for him and for my life as it is. While I believe that the title “Mom” and "Wife" are only part of who I am, I have thought many times in the past few months that after all these years of decisions that were not favorable to me or God, that I am whole. I do wish for anything in my life. I am fed both spiritually and physically (physical maybe too much at times), I have a loving husband, a wonderful family and friends, an awesome church home, and great health. So, despite days when I am stressed, feel like running away, or am just down right exhausted, I remember all the good things in my life and am thankful for my many blessings as a Mom!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Day out

Today we headed to Cincinnati for an adult day out. We had a great time eating, shopping, and hanging out. We hit Ikea and Jungle Jims then topped it all off with steak at Jeff Rubys Steakhouse. Totally recommend eating there, YUM!
Thanks to P for hanging out with Alexander all day so we could have a day out. And, thanks to Grammy for coming down this evening to help!!!

Friday, May 04, 2012

I just had to post some things that were on my mind today. I can hold back no more!

1) Slippers with hard soles are still slippers. Wear them to get the paper, sweep your front porch, or talk to the neighbor. They will NEVER be real shoes! They shouldn’t be worn to the grocery store, mall, or to class. PERIOD!

2) How do people pee all over the toilet seat? Really? I honestly have no idea how this occurs or why someone wouldn’t know to clean it up. GROSS!

3) Don’t want to wash your hair…Dry Shampoo, Try it! It’s $4 at Target people!

4) Kids should not be left unattended regardless. It’s not ok for a 5 year old to go to the park alone, cross the street alone, etc…Stranger Danger! Hello!

5) Do you really need to back into a parking space at the mall, the grocery, etc? No! The only time you should ever back in to anywhere is when you’re in the lumber yard at Menards. That’s it! If you can’t back it out maybe you’re driving the WRONG CAR!

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Our graduate

My work study employee Lauren is graduating this weekend with her Associates Degree and moving on to IUPUI to complete her Bachelors. She's thankfully agreed to stay on with us part time. I dread the day she no longer needs a job. We've become good friends and she's a GREAT employee! So proud of her hard work!

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

House guest

Our good friends went to FL this week and left one of their dogs, Annie McFanny with us for the week (her name is just Annie but I had to come up with a nickname for her). It was a little worrisome lettung her and Sonny meet but its going great. She is the sweetest dog despite her appearance being a doberman and all. She's even taller than Sonny but he certainly has much more bulk than she does. LOL! Alexander loves having her at our house. Not sure he'll want her to leave!