I started writing these a while back and saved them on my computer at work and must have forgotten them. I started thinking of life lessons that Alexander should know and compiled a list. I'm sure as the years go by I will add more but I thought this was a good start!
You don’t need a reason to help people.
Embrace diversity!
When you’re in love, it should never hurt.
God always has your best interest in mind.
It’s ok to like nice things, it’s not ok to take them for granted or think you deserve them.
Learn Bible verses and apply daily!!! Psalm 91:4 is a great one!
Don’t be afraid to be single.
Lay on your Grammy and P’s couch and be lazy as often as you can. When you’re big, you’ll look back and cherish those days with every inch of your heart and soul and only wish you could relive them again.
Fall off of your bike and be ok with it. It will teach you that falling down isn’t so bad after all, even if you have rocks in your knees.
Find good friends. You’ll know they’re good if you’re ok leaving your kids or your pets with them.
Be nice to people because it’s required.
If you like it, that’s all that matters. No one else has to agree with you.
If you judge others, expect to be judged.
Think outside the box when it comes to finding a spouse. That’s how I met your dad.
Go to church – it should be a non-negotiable staple in life!
Learn useless knowledge (it makes you interesting)
Be proud to be a Christian and stand up for your beliefs but don’t try to push them on others. That’s not how you bring people to Jesus.
You are a bi-racial child. Be proud of that, always!
Learn how to speak Spanish fluently. It will make your dad very happy!
You are super cool!
Keep playing the drums.
Learn how to read music the right way!!!
It’s ok to get a tattoo later in life but make sure it’s something you like and won’t show during a job interview.
Please learn how to clean, iron your own clothes, and take care of a pet. Your future partner in life will appreciate you for it.
Learn early on in life how to accept God’s will for your life; If will make things a whole lot easier for you.
Try new foods whenever you can
Enjoy traveling no matter where the road takes you
When you have kids one day, if you have kids…it’s ok to let them sleep in your bed. They grow up so fast!
Learn how to budget your money and pay bills on time. Good credit is really important.
Learn old fashion bible hymns
Respect nature
Don’t be afraid to cry even if someone tells you it’s not ok. It’s always ok to show your emotions through tears.
God will always love you for who you are and who you will become!
Learning how to use tools should also be a non-negotiable in your life.
Never bully anyone! It’s not nice and makes you look like a horrible mean person.
Even if you don’t want to be someone’s friend, you should always respect them.
Sit by the unpopular kids sometimes. It will show your true colors of compassion and grace for others.
Be the unpopular kid sometimes!
Love your siblings (if you ever have any). They will be your good friends when you are older. And, they’ll help you do things.
Work to obtain your Black Belt. Karate helps you stay disciplined and learn respect.
Make it a priority to call your grandparents at least once a week.