Monday, March 24, 2014

Yet another tournament

We headed to Ohio this past weekend for another tournament. Chess tournament of course....haha! Not!
Alexander was up first and won his sparring match. He did well doing his form but missed something on one of the moves so didn't get as many points as he should. He's only 5 and the youngest guy on the team so I'll give him a break I guess!!! We had a great time with our karate family. There's always good food and lots of liquor involved which makes it even better! Well, that and hotel fun of course...the pool, free breakfast, Alexander wearing my shower cap...ha! As dysfunctional as we all are, we have been together for so long as this point that we just overlook it and love each other for who we all are. The parents help with each other's kids, the kids respect them, and we all work together as a family. It's awesome!