Saturday, July 04, 2015

A week of Nationals in pictures...

Despite my love of taking pictures I didn't get as many as usual! I didn't get any of the kids in the pool, dinners together (except one), and the multiple times we sat in the hotel lobby hanging out as one big karate family. But, the pics I did take tell a story of all of us, especially our kids, enjoying time together playing and having fun. Staying at the same hotel makes a huge difference during these events because the kids really bond and get to strengthen their friendships. It's always fun for them to go room to room gathering up swimming partners or just enjoying a little freedom from mom and dad for a few minutes. The hotel's free drinks and snacks don't hurt the parents either...haha! Mia really got to enjoy being with all the parents that truly adore her and love spending time...even the dads claimed their time with the little Princess! I can honestly say that when Nationals are over we're already planning for next year. We all greatly enjoy this time and get so much out of the bonding that occurs. It's not a vacation and it's really not even relaxing to be perfectly honest but it's beyond fun and so great to be with our friends and their kids. So here's to Nationals and all the many fun years to come! Go Shodan!