Friday, October 17, 2008

Alexander The Great!

Alexander arrived today in a full force C-Section. After only being in hard labor for about 6 hours, I was fully dilated and my doctor couldn't believe it. The nurses had simply used the cervadil and didn't have to resort to any pitocin to start contractions. After spending the whole day laying in bed, watching tv with Ricardo, and visiting with family that came to hang out, I began having the REAL contractions. My doctor had told me many times that the contractions I felt, while painful, were nothing compared to the "real" ones that were to come. I have never in my life experienced pain like that. I basically dealt with them on my own without drugs for 2 hours and then I was done. That anesthesiologist became my best friend in a small amount of time. I pushed for an hour and a half and unfortunately Alexander wouldn't turn from his sunny side up position so my doctor decided to perform the C-Section. I got a super dose of epidural which numbed me so bad I couldn't even budge my legs causing me to freak out a little in the OR...I felt clausterphobic. After Ricardo calmed me down, I relaxed and we couldn't believe our time had finally come to meet or little guy. Eventually he was taken out and we were able to see what we had made. It was incredible and humorous at the same time. Alexander looks just like his aunt ChaChi. After he got cleaned up and Ricardo took pictures I actually fell asleep. I'm the only person I know that consiously fell asleep without being put to sleep for a major surgery. He and the anesthesiologist thought it was so funny they took pictures of me laying there snoring. Not cute! Anyway, Alexander weighed 8 lbs. 4 ounces and was 20 and 3/4 inches long. He is already the best baby. He has barely cried all day and is so content not to mention the fact that he seems to have been taught to breast feed MANY years ago...not sure how that worked out but we're thankful it did! We have a gazillion pics but we decided just to start with these 3 for now.