Sunday, October 25, 2009

First Birthday Party

Yesterday was Alexander's actual birthday party with friends and family. The weekend did not start off like we had planned. Alexander had a snotty nose last week but his dr said it was just a cold and there wasn't much they could do. Well, Friday night I get home from work after picking up his cakes and Ricardo tells me he thinks Alexander is really warm. So, we break out the thermometer and indeed he had a fever. So, we got some motrin down him and put him in the tub and the fever quickly broke and all was well. Until Saturday morning that is...
We woke up Saturday morning to hear our child barking like a seal. I called the dr's office, was assured it was probably just teeth, and went about my way. Well, I figured we'd better be safe than sorry so I called back and made him a appointment before his party. Of course aside from the constant snot you couldn't tell anything was wrong. He didn't have a fever and was in a fairly good humor. Well, good thing I called because sure enough...the croup had invaded my little man. He gave us three doses of a steroid for his voice box and said there wasn't much else we could do other than the normal pain reliever, vaporizer, warm bath stuff. But, it is contagious. Even so, the dr said that since he wasn't going to be playing with other kids he could go and have fun and he certainly did! Unfortunately, we had several people with sick kids as well that couldn't go but we had a great time with our friends and family. Alexander saw his Aunt Mel and pretty much forgot about us the entire time. Thank you Steve for taking the pics because I forgot our camera during the hubub of running to the dr. We were even late to the party. But, Alexander loved his Mickey cake that Sandy, my friend from IUPUI made. Enjoy the pics!