Height: 30.5 inches
Weight: 21 pounds 2 ounces
Teeth: 8.5 (he has one coming in)
75% for height
25% for weight
50% for head size
Alexander has always been tall and skinny...since he was born. His percentile averages have been exactly the same each time, 75, 25, and 50. His doctor said he's perfect as always and is growing nicely. She was impressed with his ability to say so many words and his attempts at walking. He'll take a few steps but that's it. I think he knows he can crawl so much faster than he can walk and we all know he is ALWAYS on the move. And, the eating...well, Alexander will eat anything and I mean anything. He likes black olives, Chinese, Venezuelan, mac and cheese...you name it. The only thing he's never tried is soda and that won't happen for a long time. He is down to one bottle, maybe 2 a day and drinks Soy Milk. We only have a few days of our last can of formula left so we're just using it up. We can't believe how fast is he is growing up. We just love seeing his new personality traits everyday and watching him learn and grow!