No, not in my immediate family but for the Berkshire clan. This weekend we celebrated the upcoming birth of our newest member Joslyn to our family. We had a fun shower on Saturday and then on Sunday she decided it was time to finally be born. At 9 pounds, I'm sure Katelin was glad too. We spent the whole day of the shower in my hometown eating all of our favorite foods. Alexander woofed down 3 hot dogs at B & K and tried root beer for the first time. He wasn't a huge fan though. I got to drink a Bob O Link Coke, eat Cindy cake (YIPPEE), and then finally Brunos Pizza. It couldn't have been a better day! You can see from the pics that aunt Melanie spent her time during the shower in the church nursery playing with the kids and clearly disgusting my son with a tea party. He finally relented and played along and poor Noah was also drug into the twisted scene!