Saturday, September 17, 2011
He's our World Champ!
Saturday we headed to Schaumburg Illinois (which feels like home away from home) to watch Ricardo compete in the Shotokan World Championships. There were about 20 countries there from all over the world competing, including kids. Ricardo competed Saturday morning in the elite Kata (forms) division and was only 1 of 4 black belts in the country competing for the US in this division. We were so proud of him for being chosen and couldn't wait to watch him kick butt! He won all of the matches on Saturday and was in the top 8 which at that point meant he was in the top 8 in the world in his sport. Sunday he did a great job in the semi-finals and ended up in 5th place. Although, he was a little disappointed that he didn't get to the finals. I think that given he is placed in the WORLD at this point is nothing to be disappointed about. My two best friends and my family drove up to see him compete and we had a great time hanging out and spending time together at this important event. On Sunday our good friends drove up to support him which is something we're so appreciative of from everyone. We know it's a sacrifice to give up a Saturday and Sunday and a very long drive to boot. Thanks to everyone that gave us their time to support Ricardo!
After all is said and done, there's nothing like a hug!