On Sunday we headed to Universal Studios and Adventure Island to see all the cool movie sets and ride the rides. Steve was really excited to see the Harry Potter exhibit which turned out to be really cool. We rode all sorts of stuff and saw all sorts of characters throughout the park...Cat in the Hat, Dora, Scooby Doo, Jurasic Park, Harry Potter, and some more cool Dr. Suess stuff. Alexander really liked the Jurasic Park section with all of the Dinosaurs and getting an airbrushed tattoo. Of course, Steve and Ricardo headed straight for the crazy roller coasters and then tricked mom into riding Harry Potter. They told her it was some slow car ride inside the castle. I knew it was going to be crazy and it was. I think we screamed through the whole thing. When I saw the floor moving and the cars that we had to sit in, I knew we were screwed. It was a BLAST! We were at the park from 11 am until 9 pm. We could have returned the next day to do it again if we had the time!