Thursday, November 29, 2012
Life with our child is never boring. He's the kid that sticks his tongue out at people because he is "just being silly" or says I don't like you at a stranger because well he's, "just being silly". I think you can see the pattern here...ornery, pure rotteness! Last night out of nowhere he tells me that he went to Jesus' house the other day. He said he climbed up a big ladder (using his hands to demonstrate how fast he went which actually resembeled a person trying to imitate a rat) and went really super fast up the ladder and he was there. He finished his story with "and I didn't die" was like in your face mom. I nearly peed my pants. Alexander is very curious about when we can see Jesus and we had to explain to him that you really can't until you die. We didn't get into the whole Rapture thing yet so we just kept with it simple with death (ya right simple). I thought it was so cute that he believes he can see Jesus in "his house" and not die. I just love his innocence and how he looks at things in his own unique ways. What I love most is that he has God at the center of even his play time and imagination. I believe that even in our darkest days as parents it's a blessing when you can remember that you must be doing something right when your child is so curious about the Lord.