Thursday, November 01, 2012

The Doctor Is In!

Alexander opted to use his new Doctor kit that Aunt Meme got him for his birthday and sport a Doctor costume for Halloween. Our friend Sandy got him a surgical mask and everything. I must say that my 4 year old does look smashing as a doctor. We're holding out hope for his that drums and does karate? I think that sounds just about right! We made several stops; Our neighbors, Eric and Kristy's, Grammy and P's, Eileen and Edwards, Joselyn and Andrew's, Kelly and Trevor's, and finally Bobby's house where Aunt Meme and Krystal were hanging out. We got there around 8 and were there for a very long time. Bobby's house is like a Halloweeners dream...he decks it out to the nines let me tell ya! And, of course, Alexander loves it there so we stayed and chated with friends and Bobby's dad and his girlfriend which was really nice. I'm not saying it was like the best evening ever but we made it and Dr. Guerrero (Dr. of Love) made his rounds and saw many, many patients.  He also made a super cute cat mask at school and had to sport that on the way home from his Halloween party yesterday.