Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another Great Weekend!

It was beautiful again this weekend and we got outside and enjoyed the weather. I was finally able to get out in the yard and clean up some of the winter mess that's always left behind once all the snow melts and the mud starts drying up. And, I was able to get out the patio furniture which always makes it feel like it's really spring time. We took Alexander to Cheeseburger in Paradise this evening for dinner and sat outside. He just kept looking up at the pretty blue sky and watching the birds. We realized that was probably the first time he'd really been able to do that and really notice it. He just sat in his car seat and played with his toys while we ate. Such a nice treat when your kid behaves at dinner. We took a nice walk to the school down the street and Ricardo used the carrier and sat on the swing with him. He really seemed to enjoy the birds eye view from the carrier. I think most interesting though was the blog post I read today from my best friend Lori. Her daughter Madie turned 8 this weekend and like her, I can hardly believe it. She mentioned how becoming a mom really changed her life and how she just couldn't find it in herself to let Madie out of her site. I totally understand how she felt and still feels today. Once you have a baby you start seeing things differently and start to understand how other people with kids feel about being parents. Ricardo and I both love Alexander so much and just enjoy every single second of spending time with him...even if he's spitting the yucky green beans at you that he obviously cannot stand!