We spent the weekend enjoying more spring like weather. We did some shopping on Saturday...groceries and what not and then on Sunday we drove up to Clay Terrace and used a gift card I got for my birthday. It's an upscale shopping center in Carmel and it's all outside. We used to go there all the time when I was pregnant and this was the first time we took little man. We ate lunch at Red Robin and then walked around and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Alexander eventually fell asleep in his stroller. When we got home all 3 of us crawled into bed and just relaxed and spent time together. Little man was more excited about the fact that he had all of his clothes off and was allowed to lay around in his diaper. He eventually fell asleep again and before we knew it he was drooling all over our bed. I just had to snap a shot of that of course. We just get the biggest kick out of his sounds, his love of yellow vegetables, and all the new things he does every day. He's becoming quite the comedian!