Monday, March 09, 2009

First taste of warm weather

We were so excited to find that it was going to be so warm this past weekend. When I got home Friday night I immediately took little man outside for a while. We just sat on the porch and enjoyed the fresh air. Saturday it was 75 degrees so we got out the shorts and gave Alexander his first taste of summer. He LOVED the warm can see that from his cool look with Aunt ChaChi's sunglasses on. On Sunday we headed to Kokomo to see the fam. My mom gave him more summer clothes thankfully, but of course the great temps ended today so there's no sporting any warm weather gear this week unfortunately. We figured out this weekend that Alexander is starting to attempt to stand with support. Ricardo had him stand on his legs a couple of times and he was leaning on him but stood there for a while on his own. He also started eating carrots and squash this weekend. Both of those veggies went over without a hitch.