Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Our Memorial Day weekend started off like any other...went grocery shopping Friday night, laid in bed this morning with little manny and played and watched cartoons, then Ricardo headed off to Karate. Well, during the morning I stepped outside to save a bug's life and throw him outside when I discovered a rather strange package on our front porch.
Yes, a coconut lay on our front porch just as you see it in the picture...not wrapped, not packed in Styrofoam just a coconut with a shipping label taped to it almost as if it had been sent out as a distress signal. It sat on the porch next to a package that had also been mailed. I would have reluctantly picked up the items but I saw the handwriting on the package and the was made out to Sir Alexander Guerrero. No one else would do that but Aunt Mary. Indeed I was right. They had mailed us a coconut and a package to Alexander straight from Florida. They got him an outfit with a funny saying on the front. I had to crack up and then put the shirt on Alexander immediately. Since the shorts were a little big he just wore the shirt with his cut off bermudas.

The shirt says I (heart) mommy and daddy but my Aunt and Uncle are the best! Key West FL.