Today marks the completion of year one for me at Ivy Tech. I can hardly believe time has passed so quickly. We have made huge strides in our office for improvement and it definitely shows. I have an awesome staff of hard working people that I have grown to love and have made some lasting friendships with and for that I am very thankful. I believe God has given me an opportunity to do something I am trained to do and a job that I have grown to really enjoy. As thankful as I am for my position and for those that work for me, I am equally if not more thankful for the Director that supervises me. She has become a friend and is always giving me positive and uplifting feedback on my performance. I am SO thankful to finally have been given the opportunity to work for someone that has very similar work ethics as I do and thankfully a similar humor. Over the past year we have continued to joke that we have done so much for this place that they were going to present us with a major award. I have many times grabbed my bottle of water and pretended it was an award and thanked the board as I faked tears and wafted my hand in front of my face hoping to dry them. Of course, my boss has nearly peed her pants every time. Well today, I got my "major award". I nearly fell over laughing!