Sunday, May 16, 2010

Surprise Ricardo!!!

Most everyone knows we had a surprise party for Ricardo on Saturday to celebrate his citizenship. We actually pulled it off...he was totally surprised. When he arrived about 90% of our guests were there already playing soccer, frisbee, and having fun. When he got out of the car he looked around and saw me and then said, what's going on? I said, it's a party - For You! He was just so excited. He said as he pulled up he wondered if it was just a coincidence that there was a parent and karate student at the state park then he realized there were a lot of people there that he knew...about 30! There were many of his students there and some parents from his parent committee, our neighbor and her daughter, family, and friends. Just a great time! We had lots of food, fun, played soccer, frisbee, and horseshoes. Ricardo has done a lot of firsts over the past few weeks from riding the mower to horseshoes. There are a lot more pics on mom and Steve's camera so I'll post more later but here are a few that we took. Of course, one of the highlights was seeing Gracie and Alexander interact. Seriously, it was so cute. She just looked at him and smiled and tried to chase him around. Had it been earlier in the day they probably would have had more fun but much needed nap times ended up causing a lover's quarrel over Alexander's bubble mower. I had to give him a motherly speech about how we don't hurt feelings, especially Gracie's! It all worked out but they might need counseling to work it out. LOL!