Who knew a jump rope could turn into such a useful microphone!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Weekend funnies

Yesterday, he was in the bathtub and of course had all of his favorite toys with him. One of his all time favorites is his 'shawk' that his Auntie Trish (a friend of our Aunt Mary and Uncle Rick) gave him when he was very little. She's a lawyer in Minnesota and a Jewish Lawyer at that. Love the sympolism in her humor!!!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Alexander and Gracie

My Birthday!

Thursday, January 13, 2011
My Alexander!
Every night before Alexander goes to sleep we always say his prayers. We either do the traditional “Now I lay me down to sleep” or make up our own. Well, last night my little BOY decided to come up with his own rendition. This is not the first time. Over Christmas I was talking to him about Jesus and that his mom’s name was Mary. He decided to tell me about Aunt Mary and how he ate salsa and chips with her. Ya, that ended that story.
I typically say the prayer and he repeats it. So, last night his prayer went something like this…now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul (my soul poo-poo) to keep, the angels watch me (angels watch me poo-poo) through the night (through night poo poo), keep me, in his (in his poo poo), blessed sight (sight poo poo). Father Son Holy Ghost – Amen (poo poo).
Neat huh?
I typically say the prayer and he repeats it. So, last night his prayer went something like this…now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul (my soul poo-poo) to keep, the angels watch me (angels watch me poo-poo) through the night (through night poo poo), keep me, in his (in his poo poo), blessed sight (sight poo poo). Father Son Holy Ghost – Amen (poo poo).
Neat huh?
Monday, January 10, 2011
Drummer Boy
We've said it many, many times...our child is musically inclined. Take note of his T-Shirt that has DJ headphones on it. The end of this video is the best. He really gets down!
Saturday, January 01, 2011
New Years Day

Mom and Steve came down today to get our treadmill since we go to the gym. Thankfully our room will be getting an over haul!
We ventured out at 9 am for breakfast with Grammy and P and headed back to the house where Ricardo and Steve conveniently fell asleep within 5 minutes...one on the recliner and one on the couch. NICE! Grammy stayed entertained with Alexander and got trapped once again in his room reading books and playing the drums. I had to make my normal Saturday morning phone call to Grandma and check in.
After they left we all laid down for a nap and didn't wake up until 3:30...a 2 hour nap on a Saturday...what a concept! Alexander woke up with a ton of energy as usual and decided to play with the blanket on the couch. We set it up as a tent but he prefered the tunnel method and just hung out behind the blanket with "Toe" and laughed. I love watching my son each day...he's always full of fun and laughter and it reminds me of what it was like to be a small child without worries or sadness. I just love every second!
Happy 2011
Yes, another year has passed and a new one has quickly begun. Last night we had our good friends Kelly and Trevor and their son Nathan over for dinner and fun. Unfortunately, Nicole couldn't make it since it was her dad's weekend. :(
They brought over a yummy roast and we had drinks and snacks for the night. A night at the Guerrero house wouldn't be normal without dancing and of course a game of dominos which Kelly and I were certain that Trevor and Ricardo were going to slap us both for being stupid while we played (and no we weren't drunk). Aunt Cha Chi helped with the dancing last night.
It's a Venezuelan tradition to write down 12 New Year's wishes and eat 12 grapes at the last 12 seconds of the year. Try eating 12 huge grapes in 12 seconds...the chances are slim and none! Ricardo takes this very seriously and had the grapes all ready for us before the evening started. He took his time and wrote down his 12 wishes and will probably strive to accomplish all of them carefully knowing my mindful and dedicated husband.
I'm going to follow the lead of my best friend Lori and set my standards low. Better to under prepare and over deliver I believe. I'm going to continue to work out 4 days a week and of course eat right. The one thing I will try to do harder is communicate with my husband better. That's realistic right?! And, I will try to be more patient with my child because he is, afterall, a mini me when it comes to temperment and resisting any authority. I am getting what I deserve! I can only try and steer him in the right direction before it's too late. LOL!
2011 will be a great year I'm sure. I am praying and wishing for much success and health to both my family and yours!
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