Every night before Alexander goes to sleep we always say his prayers. We either do the traditional “Now I lay me down to sleep” or make up our own. Well, last night my little BOY decided to come up with his own rendition. This is not the first time. Over Christmas I was talking to him about Jesus and that his mom’s name was Mary. He decided to tell me about Aunt Mary and how he ate salsa and chips with her. Ya, that ended that story.
I typically say the prayer and he repeats it. So, last night his prayer went something like this…now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul (my soul poo-poo) to keep, the angels watch me (angels watch me poo-poo) through the night (through night poo poo), keep me, in his (in his poo poo), blessed sight (sight poo poo). Father Son Holy Ghost – Amen (poo poo).
Neat huh?