Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy 2011

Yes, another year has passed and a new one has quickly begun. Last night we had our good friends Kelly and Trevor and their son Nathan over for dinner and fun. Unfortunately, Nicole couldn't make it since it was her dad's weekend. :(

They brought over a yummy roast and we had drinks and snacks for the night. A night at the Guerrero house wouldn't be normal without dancing and of course a game of dominos which Kelly and I were certain that Trevor and Ricardo were going to slap us both for being stupid while we played (and no we weren't drunk). Aunt Cha Chi helped with the dancing last night.

It's a Venezuelan tradition to write down 12 New Year's wishes and eat 12 grapes at the last 12 seconds of the year. Try eating 12 huge grapes in 12 seconds...the chances are slim and none! Ricardo takes this very seriously and had the grapes all ready for us before the evening started. He took his time and wrote down his 12 wishes and will probably strive to accomplish all of them carefully knowing my mindful and dedicated husband.

I'm going to follow the lead of my best friend Lori and set my standards low. Better to under prepare and over deliver I believe. I'm going to continue to work out 4 days a week and of course eat right. The one thing I will try to do harder is communicate with my husband better. That's realistic right?! And, I will try to be more patient with my child because he is, afterall, a mini me when it comes to temperment and resisting any authority. I am getting what I deserve! I can only try and steer him in the right direction before it's too late. LOL!

2011 will be a great year I'm sure. I am praying and wishing for much success and health to both my family and yours!