Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Week 9...

Today I am 9 weeks pregnant and if you're not keeping track that leaves only 30 weeks until baby. I say 30 because I will likely get a scheduled c-section a week before the baby is actually due. I'll take a week so don't judge me. I decided that this time I will not be chronicling the weekly size if my stomach because let's face it, that ship has sailed! Instead I thought I'd blog whenever I found what I ate, felt, or funny things I heard from people about being pregnant because it's just more humorous. So, this eveing I'm going to get a hair cut...nothing major, just a trim. But deciding what to put on that didn't make me look frumpy was going to be a challenge. Maybe the loaf of bread and McDonalds I ate today wasn't a good idea. Ok, maybe it wasn't a loaf but a good amount of carbs does the body good when you're least it makes you feel better! I read today that the baby is now the size of a grape so please tell me why I feel about 6 months pregnant and the word BLOAT is in my daily vocabulary???  

Saturday, August 16, 2014

State Fair Fun...yet again!

Nothing better than the state fair and when you add your pals it's even better! I think we are everything under the sun including chicken rolled in frosted flakes...might I add, was delicious! Eli's mom, Nancy got in on the fun too! Had a great time and got some great pics of our kiddos who are best friends! Love this time of year!

Sunday, August 03, 2014

State Fair 2014

Our first state fair trip was a success! As you can see from most of the pictures Alexander was enjoying time with his Aunt Meme as usual. Ricardo was in Iowa for karate and totally missed out on the food! There were a couple of moments were Melanie clearly showed her skills as the animal whisperer...take note of the kissing sheep!