Wednesday, February 11, 2015

33 Weeks and counting

So each week I get these updates about my pregnancy. This week I get the announcement on Wednesday as usual. I start reading...You're 33 weeks today, congratulations. This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (about the size of a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark...yadda yadda. What it should say for me is congrats you're 33 weeks and this week your baby is probably nearing 6 pounds and we don't know how long she is because she hates ultrasounds! Last Wednesday she was at an approximate 5.1 pounds and was not cooperative at all during the US (typical). I was hooked up to 2 Dopplers to measure her heart rate for about 2 hours and she thrashed around the entire time. She also hates the Doppler. She was so mad about those things being on me in "her" spots that she got the hiccups. It took her probably 2 more hours to settle down. Pray for us is all I can say...she's a feisty one!